Sponsorship Packages

Partner with Us

46th OESAI Annual Conference Sponsorship Categories and Benefits

NB: Benefits for items/events sponsorship to tally with sponsorship category Sponsorships below 5,000USD are categorized as ‘In Partnerships’

Kindly Contact the email below for Sponsorship and any queries regarding partnering with OESAI for the 46 th OESAI Annual Conference & AGM

Rose Wanda, Secretary General @ secgeneral@oesai.org

Chipo Mapungwana, Communications Consultant @ marketing@oesai.org

Major Items & Events to be Sponsored

NB: Benefits for items/events sponsorship to tally with sponsorship category

Kindly Contact the email below for Sponsorship and any queries regarding partnering with OESAI for the 46 th OESAI Annual Conference and AGM

Rose Wanda, Secretary General @ secgeneral@oesai.org

Chipo Mapungwana, Communications Consultant @ marketing@oesai.org

Become a Sponsor

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